Projektas „Startuolis“ skirtas paspartinti startuolių ekosistemos augimą Vidurio ir Vakarų Lietuvoje. Projekto metu organizuosime įvairius renginius, įskaitant hakatonus, inovacijų stovyklas, inkubacijos ir pre-akceleracijos programas, kad padėtume startuoliams vystytis ir plėstis. Šios programos bus vykdomos keturiuose pagrindiniuose miestuose - Kaune, Klaipėdoje, Šiauliuose ir Panevėžyje, sujungiant vietos startuolius su jiems reikalingais ištekliais, mentoryste ir pažinčių tinklu. Mažinant atotrūkį tarp Vilniaus ir likusios šalies dalies, siekiama sukurti ilgalaikį poveikį, skatinant inovacijas ir suteikiant realias augimo galimybes visame regione.
Trukmė: 2024 vasaris - 2027 kovas
Projekto vertė: €656,212 (kofinansuojama ES: €557,780)
Fokusas: Vidurio ir Vakarų Lietuvos startuolių ekosistemos plėtra
Tikslas: mažinti plėtros atotrūkį tarp Vilniaus ir kitų Lietuvos miestų, skatinant startuolių augimą ir inovacijas.
Veikla: hakatonai, inkubavimo ir pre-akceleravimo programos + kita parama
Miestai: Kaunas, Klaipėda, Šiauliai ir Panevėžys
Finansuojama: Europos Sąjungos lėšos 2021-2027 m.
The majority of startups in Lithuania are registered and primarily operate in Vilnius. This centralized focus has led to uneven development and opportunities in the entrepreneurial landscape.
Despite the national ecosystem's surge in global rankings, with Lithuania climbing 20 spots in the 2023 Startup Genome report to rank between 41st and 50th globally, and holding strong positions in Europe and the EU as per StartupBlink, about 71% of all startups are still based in Vilnius. This concentration highlights the need for a more balanced geographic distribution of startups across the country.
6 Hackathons, 4 Incubations and 6 Pre-Accelerations
Throughout the Startuolis project, Baltic Sandbox is committed to expanding the startup ecosystem in Central and Western Lithuania. We are organizing hackathons, incubation, and pre-acceleration programs in Kaunas, Klaipėda, Šiauliai, and Panevėžys. The focus of these initiatives is on Deep Tech and Life Sciences.
By implementing these programs, Baltic Sandbox aims to bridge the existing gaps within the startup ecosystems across Lithuanian cities. Our goal is to support the growth of startups, uncover new opportunities in Deep Tech, and nurture emerging talent in Central and Western Lithuania.
Check out our upcoming Incubation programs in Kaunas and Klaipėda.
Hackathons - short events where participants—including teams and startups—learn about key startup-related topics and have the opportunity to pitch their ideas. These events are designed to spark innovation and provide immediate feedback from peers and professionals.
Incubation - this program is tailored for startups and research teams ready to take their Life Sciences and Deep Tech ventures to the next level. It includes comprehensive online workshops, one-on-one mentoring, and access to facilities for practical experiments, supporting growth and market readiness.
Pre-Acceleration - building on the foundation of our incubation program, the pre-acceleration phase offers a 7-week, mostly online curriculum but delves into more advanced knowledge areas. Designed for established startups, this program sharpens strategic business skills and deepens connections with industry experts and investors, paving the way for significant growth and advancement.At Startuolis, we drive innovation across a wide range of Life Sciences and Deep Tech fields, leveraging strategic advantages and the strengths of Central and Western Lithuania.
Our key focus areas include Biotech, Medtech, Pharmatech, CleanTech, Sustainable Energy Tech, Drone Technology, Logistics Tech, Port Tech, AI and Machine Learning, Robotics, Quantum Computing, Healthtech, Medical AI, Agrotech…
It’s a big tech umbrella - we are sure you found your field. If not, it's probably under.
De minimis aid is a form of state aid regulated under European Union guidelines, designed to offer small amounts of financial support to companies without the need for prior approval by the EU Commission. This type of aid is intended to facilitate minor assistance that has a minimal impact on competition and trade within the internal market. Under these rules, a company can receive up to €300,000 over three fiscal years, which can be used to support various aspects of business growth and development.
For startups participating in our programs, de minimis aid plays a crucial role. Enrolled startups do not face direct charges for their participation; instead, the cost is covered through de minimis aid allocations. This setup allows emerging businesses to leverage essential resources, mentorship, and networking opportunities provided by the accelerator, without straining their financial resources.